Higher Self Mindset - 101 Coaching

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Why You Get Fast Release

Free 15 Minute Lesson On Zoom - No Obligations!

Your higher self is the answer to your much wanted success. Higher state of consciousness is the pathway to passion, understanding, wisdom and love.

With Higher Self Mindset, you can manifest wealth and success in all areas of your life, rather than working hard and dying early from stress related disease.

If you don't have any formal training in the field of Quantum Physics, don't panic it's fine. Even if you have little knowledge and no Academic Degree. All you need to make this work, is an open mind and the right training.

Any individual of any age can do this. I know of children who have learned to read books blindfolded by using the third eye. It's called 'remote viewing'. So long as your mind is at a reasonable level of discernment for learning.

With no academic degree, how can I teach you how to transform your mindset so quickly?

Throughout years of study and research, I discovered something extraordinary.

Q: What"s the problem with just learning what everyone else is learning"The Law Of Vibration & Attraction"?

A: t's not deep enough and takes too long.

What do I mean by that? Well, there are several reasons for why many are not getting fast results and for some, no results at all.

Reason 1

Many who practice the law of vibration and attraction have not prepared their mind's sufficiently. With my training, you'll learn how to raise the consciousness, raise your vibrations and stimulate certain organs, necessary to activate specific regions of the brain, heart, senses and other vital organs. Lack of preparation is like throwing darts at a board. You'll get some results. Yet, progress will be slow.


Reason 2

Lack of self belief. For many, their intentions may be good. Yet, they are completely unaware that although they believe at a conscious level they are making progress. There are still self limiting beliefs and there is still much past programming hard wired into their sub conscious mind, holding them back. I'll teach you techniques, you can use, to take back control of your subconscious mind and re-program it to serve you well. Greatly reducing the amount of time you'll spend, before seeing results.

Lack of self belief. For many, their intentions may be good. Yet, they are completely unaware that although they believe at a conscious level they are making progress. There are still self limiting beliefs and there is still much past programming hard wired into their sub conscious mind, holding them back. I'll teach you techniques, you can use, to take back control of your subconscious mind and re-program it to serve you well. Greatly reducing the amount of time you'll spend, before seeing results.


Reason 3

To set a new pattern of behaviour takes time. Give it time to change. You've spent your entire life thinking and behaving in the manner you were taught. You're now instucting your sub conscious mind to believe in something completely different, if not 80 to 100% different. If you don't exercise physicaly on a regular basis, your muscles become weak. They atrophy. Eventually your lungs, heart etc give up prematurely. It's no different for your brain and associated organs. Use the exercises I'll give you. The more you practice, the more powerful of a Mind Master you'll become and the faster this will work!

Synchronizing your left and right brain hemispheres with the schumann resonance of the earth and your heart chakra. This provides you with the power to manifest illusion into reality. I'll give you the documented proof that this works!

Higherselfmindset.com - Shift Happens

Customized Specifically

No one plan suits all. This is one of the major reasons that individuals fail to make any progress. It's not enough to just "lift your vibrations". One needs to know how. It's also about developing a greater mindset. One great man, Napoleon Hill, helped pioneer the self help industry with his book "Think and Grow Rich". It's important to understand. Whilst the methodologies that I teach might be universal, the application of them may vary greatly from one individual to the next. In addition to this, the duration one may experience before seeing results may also vary greatly.

When shift happens, it's incredible. It's an amazing thing, to see one's life transpire into something so great that even close friends and family shake their heads in disbelief. Are you ready to take the first step?

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"Higherselfmindset.com - Course Content"

What's In The F.A.S.T Course?

Full 6 Module Course - JVZoo launch date Jan 28th - 2024

Module 2 Release Date Nov 1st 2023

Below are just some of the areas we'll discuss. There may be some that are of more priority to you than others. There may also be some you'll wish to include that are not featured below.

1. Fast track the best knowledge sources
2. Learn methods that work + how to apply
3. Learn how to activate 5th density mind
4. Learn vibrational frequency self healing
5. Learn about imposing world Agencies
6. Learn to discern reality from deception
7. Learn how they held you back and why
8. Learn how to lose fear of no's 5 -7 & win
9. Learn how to get richer from a recession
10. Learn how to relax in public / meetings
11. Learn how to control energy reception
12. Learn to control energy transmission
13. Learn why it's important, we're all one
14. Learn how you can still be an individual
15. Learn healthier habits, to vibrate higher
16. Learn what The Akashic Records are
17. Learn how to change Akashic Records
18. Learn about Psychotronic weapon use
19. Learn about PsyOps / T.I / Scalar Energy
20. Learn about ELF / MKUltra mind control
21. Learn about remote viewing / D.U.M.B.S
22. Learn how to do remote viewing & win!
23. Learn about good / bad alien visitations
24. Learn about the 23' recession coming
25. Learn how you can heal/recover quickly

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15 Min Free Session
F.A.S.T 6 Module Course. For Rapid Release - Get Module 1 FREE! New

Financial And Spiritual Transfer

My goal is to get this into the hands of everyone out there. This type of valuable knowledge should be free to all.

Prior to becoming a Mind Master, I lived a lifetime of suffering and lack. Dispossessed from society, I started on a quest to discover my true self worth and identity.

Four decades later. The result is a 6 Module Course (1 per month), that assists others in achieving their release and realizing their self worth.

Like pioneers before me, I place a value on what I teach. The only piece of the puzzle left to solve was how to make my course affordable for all. I mean, this is my life's work after all.,

So, I found a way to make this completely free. Here's how you get my USD $1994.95 6 Module Course completely FREE!

"Refer just 2 Clients who complete
F A.S.T and it's yours FREE!"

The F.A.S.T self help course is changing people's lives globally. I got Module 1 completely FREE no strings attached and with no obligations. You can too. It's the best free gift anyone can get - "Get It Here".

Who can't copy and paste the above blurb on Social Media right? It's child's play. Anyone can do it!
JVZoo.com is a recognized leader in the Affiliate Partner Industry. It's just 1 or 2 clicks. A simple signup process and unless you're on some list for sinister activity, everyone gets approved.

How does $897.73 USD sound each time a Client purchases the Program outright, for a 10% discount. Or $997.48 each time a Client completes the F.A.S.T course over 6 months?

Even better. You get paid through the JVZoo Affiliate Platform, the month following each month a Module is purchased by one of your Clients'. Now that's awesome passive income and that's what you need for success!


Earnings on 2 Clients Referred

Take a look at the income model below. This is the passive income you make from just 2 clients' referred who complete all 6 modules.

Each time someone you gifted Module 1 to invests in a Module or completes the course you earn 50% of its purchase value.

Simply gift Module 1 - There's No Selling! Just copy and paste the blurb which contains your Affiliate I.D.

Just refer 2 client's who complete the course and you've earned enough to get the entire F.A.S.T course, all 6 Modules, completely FREE!

No income is completely on auto pilot. Yet, after you've gifted Module 1, your business is mostly on auto pilot while you sleep or holiday. This is from just 2 referrals of clients who invest in all 6 modules. It's possible to earn a full time living from just 1 client referral per week, who then invests in all 6 modules. Not all clients wish to participate in the Affiliate Program. Some will simply invest in F.A.S.T. This is how you make 6 to 7 figures F.A.S.T!

Month 2 - Module 2
Month 3 - Module 3
Month 4 - Module 4
Month 5 - Module 5
Month 6 - Module 6
Month 7 - Revenue
$1994.95 USD!
6 Module Course - Free!
$0 USD!

F.A.S.T Is A 2 Way Release
No Selling Required

Affiliate's can join when all 6 modules are completed Jan 28th 2024

Why do you need this? Primarily you're helping others to succeed. Through the laws of "Cause and Effect". As a result, you release yourself from past conditioning and thus clear the way for your own Prosperity and Posterity. As the great Zig Ziglar said.

"You will get all you want in life, if you help enough other people get what they want"

Upon doing this you're receiving 50% of the profits of every Module a Client purchases. Even if they don't complete the entire course.

I'm benefiting by getting my course into more hands. You're building yourself an easy passive income.

It's a win win situation!

  • No Selling Required
  • Simply Gift Module 1 FREE To Anyone Online
  • Receive 50% Of Every Module They Order
  • Just 2 Complete Orders & You've Earned Enough To Get The Entire Course FREE
  • That's A Value Of USD $1994.95 Completely FREE
  • Our Motivation For Doing This Is To Help Free The Masses!
  • This Is About Financial & Spiritual Transfer A New Approach That Works
  • F.A.S.T Takes The Law Of Vibration & Attraction To A Whole New Level
  • Get Module 1 Free For Yourself & Start Your New Journey Today!


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Coming Soon...

My Jvzoo product launch

F.A.S.T 6 Module

Mind Master

Self Improvement Course

For now

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"You can never know what you didn't know until one day you learn it"

Instant Access Module 1
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The Lap Top Holiday Lifestyle
Work and holiday at the same time. Or take a long break anytime anywhere in the world. It's the ultimate lifestyle and it can be yours! Swipe Left
Own Your Own Dream Home
Invest in properties around the globe. Buy your dream car or boat. Just 12 courses p.w that are completed = $1 Million USD per year! Swipe Left
Enhance Your Spiritual Freedom
Discover more spiritual freedom than ever before. Enhance your relationships. Build trust and confidence in yourself and others. Swipe Left >
End Procrastination - Make F.A.S.T Progress
One of the main reasons for people failing is that they never take action. Get Module 1 FREE today & GET STARTED! Swipe Left >
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Higher Self Mindset – 101 Coaching